While some fonts do include circled numbers, they usually aren't in the position where Word expects numbers (Unicode 0030 to 0039), so they won't work for numbered lists, and in most cases only the digits 0-9 are included. There are specialty fonts withcharacters that allow you to combine left and right halves to get two-digit numbers, but, again, these are not suitable for auto numbering.If you are willing to add the numbers manually, using the List style, which allows you to type a number at the left margin, then tab to the hanging indent position, then you will find two styles of circled numbers (black on white and white on black, both sansserif) in the Wingdings font and two different (serif) sets in Wingdings 2.If you don't need them to be entirely circled, you can add parentheses on both sides. In the Define New Multilevel List dialog, choose the style followed by a closing parenthesis and then, in the 'Enter formatting for number' box, type an opening parenthesisbefore the number field.
Microsoft MVP (Word) since 1999 Fairhope, Alabama USA Screen shots captured with TechSmith's Snagit.
How To Put A Number In A Circle In Microsoft Word
Enclosed Alphanumerics Word 2016
.If appropriate, open the Label list and choose Equation or Table. Equations, tables, and figures are all numbered separately.You can also click new Label to add another type to the Label list, like Illustration for example.Open the Position list and select a position for the caption if you don’t want the default setting.If you don’t want the word Figure (or Equation, or Table) to appear in the caption, mark the Exclude label from caption check box.For more control over the numbering, such as number format, click the Numbering button.