The two most popular missals are the one from Angelus Press and the one from Baronius Press. has reviewed both and there are sever threads on this subject in the Traditional Catholic forum. several other EF missals on the market today, but they are all reprints and not necessarily re-typeset. If made before 1956 they won’t include the revised Holy Week.St.
Latin Mass Readings For Today
Andrew Daily Missal (1945)-St. Joseph Daily Missal (1953)-The New Roman Missal (1945)-New Marian Missal (Unsure on Year)-Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook (Unsure on Year)-I personally use a 1961 St. Joseph Daily Missal. You can find used missals on ebay in good shape for under $20.00. Just remember try to get as close to a 1962 publication date as possible without going after 1963, and try not to go before 1956.